This is a dormant testate amoeba waiting to wake up in the right conditions, next to a strand of beneficial fungi. Fungi are decomposers that sequester carbon and build soil structure, and amoebas are predators that cycle nutrients.
This is a beneficial bacteria-feeding nematode surrounded by minerals and organic matter (amber-colored). Nematodes are predators that cycle nutrients and most are actually good for the soil food web despite their reputation.
This is a soil micro-aggregate made up of a clump of beneficial fungi, demonstrating how the microbiology creates soil structures that improves water and nutrient retention. There's a nutrient-cycling testate amoeba in upper left corner.
Soil Microbiology Assessments
You'll discover a wealth of information about your soil's health, including:
- What types of microbes (if any!) are present.
- The population levels of each and if they are sufficient for the type of plants you are growing.
- Whether harmful organisms are present, indicating potential problems.
- Recommendations for improving your soil microbiome.
This analysis provides you with a clearer picture of your soil food web—whether it is sufficient for the plants you want to grow and how you can improve it. Understanding and working with your soil's microbiology allows you to harness nature’s power to create the best possible growing conditions for your plants while reducing, or even eliminating, your reliance on chemical inputs.
Microbiology Soil Assessments - Options
Full Soil Biology Test - $90.00
FULL SOIL BIOLOGY ASSESSMENTYou will receive a detailed report that includes the biomass levels of bacteria and fungi with a calculation of your Fungi:Bacteria ratio, counts of protozoa (flagellates & amoebas), identification and counts of nematodes, plus the identification and levels of harmful organisms. You'll also receive photos of the microbes and explanation of what they are.
Discount price: $75/test for 3 or more ordered at a time.
Quick Look Assessment - $55.00
QUICK LOOK SOIL BIOLOGY ASSESSMENTFor those who do not need exact data, a Quick Look will give you a sense of which types of microbes are present in your soil, rough estimates of levels, and whether they are beneficial or harmful. You'll also receive photos of the microbes and explanation of what they are.